Sunday, May 29, 2011

Love & Kindness Is the Greatest

Adjusting To An Aging Mind

Kindness Cost Nothing, But Gives...

Adjusting To An Aging Mind

As our brains age, we're less likely to think as quickly or remember things as well as we used to. Research is now showing how the Brain changes and adapts with age. You can use what we've learned and follow a few simple tips to help remember things and avoid scams. No Cost Help!

Dr. Denise C. Park, director of the Roybal Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Illinois, explains that the knowledge we gain from life experience can sometimes compensate for other changes in our brains as we age. Older professionals can often be better at their jobs than younger ones. "Your Memory may be less efficient," Park says, "but your knowledge about how to do it may be better."

Researchers can design tests that expose problems in the aging mind by creating tasks in which older adults can't use their experience. These tests reflect real-life situations like getting upsetting medical news or having a crafty scam artist pressure you for an answer.

One key to dealing with situations like these, Park says, is not to make rash decisions. Ask for further information and more time to consider. Discuss it with friends or relatives.

Perhaps the most common trouble people face as they age is remembering things. Park says it's important to acknowledge that your memory is fallible. "For medicines, driving directions or other things with specific details, don't rely on your memory," she says. "That's good advice for everybody, but especially for older adults." If you need to remember something important, write it down on a pad or use an electronic device like a personal digital assistant (PDA) that lets you store notes and reminders.

Another way to remember things is through routines. Take your medicine with a snack or a particular meal, for example. Always keep your keys and wallet in the same place.

You can also use your imagination. If you imagine doing something beforehand, Park says, you're much more likely to do it. So, for example, imagine taking your medicine in as much detail as you can, paying attention to where, when and how.

Practice can help, too. Rehearse talking to a salesperson. Visit somewhere new in advance.

Keeping your brain active with activities that require mental effort, such as reading, may help keep your mind sharp. Staying physically active may help, too.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Defeat Diabetes

Defeat Other Sickness...


Discover the Diet Secrets That
Have Been "Hiding in Plain Sight" for 91 Years!

Power-Up Your Metabolism 
With New Breakthrough Diet That 
Stops Food Cravings. 

Discover How the Right Foods Can Help You Lose Weight and Safeguard Your 
Family's Health

Eat Satisfying Food, Never Feel Hungry, and Still Lose Weight -Without Appetite Suppressants or Dangerous Diet Drugs.

Stop Food Cravings 
and Lose Weight Naturally

Dear Friend,

If you or someone you love needs to lose weight, here are some facts you need to know:

Scientists have known for over 91 years that low-calorie diets make people fatter!

Popular diets have a built-in design flaw: they force you to obsess about food, so you inevitably drop off the diet. You have to, because you can't stop thinking about food.

Once you're off the diet, you gain weight even easier than you did before you started, because your metabolism has slowed down and the food obsessions don't immediately go away.

You've seen the statistics that say "dieters fail to keep their weight off 95% of the time". That number is based on an important study done in 1917 at the Carnegie Institution of Washington's Nutrition Laboratory. The study was repeated in 1944 at the University of Minnesota, at the request of the US Army.

Both these studies showed there are many physical and psychological side effects of low-calorie diets, and one of those side effects is an average weight gain of 5 to 8 pounds.

It's the diet that causes the eventual weight gain, not the dieter. For years we've been blamed for a failure that isbuilt in to the design of almost every popular diet on the market today.

Almost all popular diets make you end up even fatter than you were before you started. And "eating right" can be just as bad...

Even if you don't officially 'diet', but you 'eat right' by giving up red meat, taking all the skin off your chicken breasts, and looking for those 'heart-healthy' low-fat food products, you're setting yourself up for food cravings and slow but steady weight gain.

That's because the low-fat advice was originally based on faulty science, and the media simply hasn't caught up with the latest studies proving that low-fat diets cause sugar cravings and food obsessions.

Those scientific studies are publicly available for diet authors to read, but you continue to see articles and books claiming you can lose weight or stay healthy by 'eating less and cutting back on calories and fat', even though the advice doesn't work now, and never did.

Jonni, I am making slow, but definite, progress, having lost 2.8kg (6lb) to date. I have not always been good at sticking exactly to the plan, but my biggest success has been overcoming the sugar craving. That has definitely been amazing to me, and nothing containing sugar has passed my lips since I started your wonderful plan!

Monique, NZ

Most popular diets don't work, but authors believe they will because so many other authors have said it in the past.

I even believed it myself for years, and I wrote many 'helpful' articles containing tips and suggestions about eating less and cutting back on fat. Now I know my well-meaning advice undermined my desire to help people overcome their sugar addiction and food cravings.

Now I know that there is a natural way to overcome food cravings and stop the metabolic pattern that makes some people put on body fat easier than other people.

When you stop thinking that being overweight is your fault, and start looking at the specific foods that cause food cravings and obsessions, you have won half the battle against obesity. Then, if you discover that certain foods can actually help repair the metabolic damage and help you burn fat faster, build more muscles, and help you lose weight without going hungry, you win the war.

That, in a nutshell, is the basis of a revolutionary new way to lose weight by using the nutritional power of good, wholesome, satisfying food.

Here's what works:

  • You break the metabolic pattern that causes you to store excess body fat.
  • You stop eating the foods that are known to cause obesity (and a host of other dangerous illnesses).
  • You eat lots of the foods that help you lose weight faster and give your body the nutrients it desperately needs.
  • And you try to make sure your kids eat the same way, so they don't have to become just another statistic in the childhood obesity and diabetes epidemics.

That makes sense, doesn't it? So why do so many people keep going on low-calorie diets, even though they almost always regain all the weight they lose, and then some?

Because we've been brainwashed into believing that the 95% failure rate of almost all popular diets is the fault of the dieter, not the diet.

Even though this was proven to be false 91 years ago.

The fact is, most people still believe that overweight folks have a character flaw that makes them incapable of eating moderately. It is also believed that overweight people get that way because they don't have the gumption to get up and exercise like they should.

But that's also been proven to be untrue. It's simply a matter of prejudice against overweight people that makes most of us, including overweight people themselves, blame obesity and excess weight on gluttony or sloth.

When it's really caused by the foods we eat.

You know as well as I do that you can't possibly stay on a diet if you can't control your appetite.

And you can't eat right if you're constantly besieged by strong cravings for snacks and treats.

Even when they aren't dieting, many people find it almost impossible to control their cravings for fattening foods. Since weight loss seems to be impossible to these folks, they become desperate and buy expensive and often dangerous diet drugs that have unhealthy side effects. Many people even sign up for high-risk weight loss surgery.

Fortunately, there is a natural way to control your food cravings, even for sugar and other refined carbohydrates that are truly addictive. You can control your appetite naturally while eating foods that charge up your metabolism and help your body burn fat faster, while also building extra muscle mass.

The right foods work far better (and they're way safer) than diet pills or appetite-suppressant drugs. And these same foods have powerful antioxidants that improve your immune system and help protect you against cancer. And they can even help reduce the risk of insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes and heart disease.

You probably think I'm talking about broccoli and other veggies, but I'm not. I'll explain in a minute...

Eating the right foods can help you lose weight, and they keep you healthy. Eating the wrong foods can make you sick. Getting fat isn't the worst thing that can happen if you don't eat a healthy diet.

The health dangers of eating the wrong foods...

Many people don't know that eating too much sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed foods can lead to:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Depression
  • And even some kinds of cancer.

And refined carbohydrates like sugar and white flour can rob our bodies - and our children's bodies - of important nutrients like calcium and fat-soluble vitamins that help build strong bones and nervous systems.

Nobody wants to be overweight, and no parent wants to feed their kids in a way that will make them another statistic in the childhood obesity and diabetes epidemic...

But how can you lose weight and eat right if you always feel hungry?

Even worse - what if you're one of those folks who actually gain weight even when you eat less food than your thin friends do? Did you know that many people put on weight even when they eat a low-calorie diet?

Most people think that everyone who is overweight got that way by overeating, but scientists know that isn't true.

Control Your 
Appetite Naturally

Some of us (and I'm one of them) have a genetically-inherited tendency to process our food differently from other people. When we eat refined carbohydrates they turn almost immediately to fat.

The reason why we gain weight easier than other people is a condition called insulin resistance, which makes us store more fat. Insulin resistance is the precursor to diabetes, and can also cause other illnesses like heart disease, gout, some kinds of arthritis, gastrointestinal problems, and more.

There are some people in the world who can eat sugar and other refined carbs without getting insulin resistance, so they don't have to worry about getting fat, and they probably won't get heart disease. I'm not one of those people, and if you have strong cravings for sugar and chips and ice cream, you probably aren't one of the lucky ones, either.

Unfortunately, the people who are most prone to insulin resistance are the folks who have strong cravings for the foods that will do the most damage to our health - refined carbohydrates like sugar, pastries, noodles and desserts.

I recently found out something that made me mad...

Back in 1917, and again in 1945, studies were done to find out what happened when people went on a low-calorie diet.

The study volunteers actually ate more calories than the kind of diet that almost every doctor tells you to go on when he thinks you're overweight, and they certainly ate way more calories than you get on most fad diets, like the cabbage soup diet and the 3-day diet.

You'll see why I got mad when you see what scientists have known for over 91 years - that low-calorie and low-fat diets actually cause the following health problems:

  • Weight gain.
  • Depression.
  • Food cravings.
  • Feeling tired and listless.
  • Constant hunger.
  • Reduced interest in sex.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Hormone imbalance.
  • Scaly skin or eczema.
  • Premature wrinkling of the skin.
  • Dandruff or dull, lifeless hair.
  • Mood swings.
  • Chronic yeast infections.
  • Poor immune system - frequent colds or respiratory illnesses.
  • Digestive problems such as irritable bowl syndrome or Crohn's disease.
  • Insulin resistance.

Take a look at some of the serious symptoms on that list:

Depression, mood swings, fatigue, and disinterest in sex: Most doctors believe that the only way to lose weight is to cut back on the calories, even though scientists have known for almost a century that serious psychological problems could result. Many people take antidepressants, like Wellbutrin®, for both depression and to lose weight. It is impossible to be motivated to stay on a diet, (or to do anything else, for that matter), when you suffer from chronic depression.

Several famous studies have found that the depression may actually get worse for a while after you give up a low-calorie diet. It takes time for the body to recover from semi-starvation eating plans.

Constant hunger and food cravings, especially for refined carbs: When you combine the lack of motivation that always accompanies depression and chronic fatigue, and match it up with constant hunger and food cravings, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to find out that most people who start a low-calorie diet will actually end up gaining weight.

And that's exactly what happens. We try to eat the right way, according to all the current dietary guidelines. We watch our calories and fats. Then we fall off the diet, as everyone does, and we end up fatter than we started. Then we buck up, find another well of motivation, and start the process over again.

No doctor would prescribe a drug with that many dangerous side effects if she knew that the drug would actually make the patient's condition worse over 95% of the time. Yet reduced calorie and low-fat diets are prescribed every day by well-meaning doctors, because they believe the failure rate is caused by their patient's lack of self-control.

It's really no wonder that so many people are overweight. When we 'eat right' according to all the currently believed 'common knowledge', the supposedly 'healthy' diet will cause us to have food cravings that make weight gain inevitable! And we end up fatter than we started.

I uncovered the answer to the problem of food cravings and sugar addiction.

It was hiding in scientific studies that were done back in the first part of the 20th century, before the obesity epidemic exploded in the 1960s. The answer has been hiding in plain sight all along.

I discovered that highly-respected scientists had studied the issue, and their studies proved that:

  • There are specific natural foods that can control the appetite, burn fat faster, and eliminate sugar cravings. These foods were once a major part of our daily lives just a few generations ago, but today very few people know about them.
  • Other scientists found a way to break the metabolic pattern that causes some of us to gain weight faster than other people, even when we eat less food.

These studies have been mostly forgotten by the obesity experts, but they give us the keys to weight loss and appetite control.

And that's good news...

By using the information that was discovered by those well-respected scientists back in the early part of the 1900s, it was possible to design a diet that:

  • Stops food cravings.
  • Controls your appetite.
  • Breaks the metabolic pattern that causes excess fat storage so you don't gain weight so easily.
  • Helps burn fat faster, so you lose weight more quickly.
  • Builds bigger muscles while reducing the number of fat cells on your body

This new craving control diet will not cause your metabolism to slow down, it won't make you hungry, and itwon't make you gain weight when the diet is over.

In fact, this diet is based on such satisfying natural foods that you'll want to feed your whole family this way. Then you can be assured that your kids won't get fat, like many of their classmates, and their risk of getting heart disease and diabetes will be greatly reduced.

Since you don't get hungry on this diet, and you eat delicious, old-fashioned satisfying food, you'll never want to go back to eating the way you did before.

Why this issue is particularly important to me...

I've been writing about health issues for years, and my special passion is helping people overcome their addiction to sugar and taking control of food cravings that sabotage any healthy diet. I started writing about this issue because it has been something that I struggled with all my life.

I worked in the health care industry for many years before becoming a full-time writer, and I once held a license as an addictions counselor. While working for a major health insurance company I discovered that the majority of our claims were for chronic illnesses that were caused, in part, by obesity and poor eating habits.

Because I think this issue is so important, I wrote a popular book about sugar addiction in 2002. That book gives readers some easy mental exercises that they can use to increase their will-power and self control.

The meditations in the book and the extra tips I included do help folks say 'no' to fattening, unhealthy food. The book, entitled Weight Loss: How to Keep Your Commitment, is still available on - and it has helped hundreds of people control their cravings so they could stay on a healthy diet.

But now I know there's a better way to control cravings...

As the years moved on, it became harder and harder for me to control my own weight.

The way our bodies process food changes over time, and many of us tend to put on extra pounds as we get older. That was certainly true for me.

So I watched my portions, ate fewer calories, ate less fat, and followed all the current dietary advice about how to eat right. I was, basically, following the kind of diet that causes food obsessions and cravings, but I didn't know it yet.

It got to the point that I was fighting so hard to control my cravings, that even the meditations that I wrote about in my own book were starting to fail me. Food was becoming the enemy, instead of a source of pleasure.

Something had to change.

I started looking for a way to control my appetite that would work even on days when my will-power wasn't very strong.

Basically, I wanted a way to eliminate food cravings. If my appetite could be controlled naturally, I wouldn't need the mental exercises. I wouldn't need any self-control. And I wouldn't need any will-power.

I found the answer, and I call it the Craving Control Diet.

What the Craving Control Diet can do for you...

When you use the easy method I recommend for breaking the metabolic pattern that makes you gain weight easier, you can lose weight without going on one of those dangerous low-calorie diets. Your meals will taste better, and you'll be more satisfied after you've eaten.

The special foods that help you control your appetite are old-fashioned foods that people have enjoyed for centuries. You may eat foods on this diet that you've been avoiding, and missing, for years.

If you've been on and off low-calorie diets for years, you may be suffering from fatigue, low-energy levels, mood swings, and even depression. The wholesome, real foods on this diet will help you recover from these debilitating illnesses.

If you feed your kids the foods I suggest in my report, they'll stay active and healthy. If they're overweight now, they'll gradually lose their excess pounds without going hungry, and without feeling an uncontrollable urge to steal fattening high-sugar foods.

Many people who eat the foods I recommend find that their blood pressure and blood sugar levels go down, and their doctors can reduce their medications.

If you suffer from obesity-related illnesses, like sleep apnea or lower back pain, the symptoms may go away as you lose weight naturally.

But don't take my word for it...

Let me introduce you to a family that found the solution by reading the same scientific reports and statistics that I did.

The couple had previously tried every diet their doctor gave them, and they carefully ate nothing but low-fat food, just as the experts said they should. They avoided red meat, they bought non-fat milk, and they went on one low-calorie diet after another.

But both of them continued to gain even more weight every time they fell off one of those diets - and they always fell off the diets, the same way everyone else does. He was a former college athlete, but before he was 40 years old he weighed over 400 pounds and could barely walk a block without gasping for breath and feeling intense pain in his knees. They knew there was a very real likelihood that he wouldn't live to see his children graduate from high school.

Both parents suffered from mood swings and occasional depression, and there were frequent arguments because they were both tired and stressed. The husband was in a great deal of pain from illnesses associated with obesity, and they were both extremely worried because their grade-school aged kids were already starting to get fat.

Something was very wrong. They were following the experts' advice to the letter, but it wasn't working. In fact, each year things got worse.

Then they remembered that their grandparents had never been fat, even though they didn't eat low-fat foods, 'lite' food, or commercial diet shakes. In fact, they ate red meat, drank whole milk, fried their fish in lard, put butter on their bread and veggies, and made delicious gravies and desserts made from real cream.

Their grandparents didn't use modern convenience foods to save time, but they still managed to have the energy to raise large, happy families. The kids and relatives always gathered around the kitchen table, because the kitchen was the soul of their home.

Our couple decided that their grandparents knew more about nutrition than the modern experts did, but the grandparents weren't around any more to teach them what they knew.

So they started hunting down and studying everything they could find about traditional food. Eventually, they found the research done by the world's first nutritional anthropologists, the traveling scientists who visited with the healthiest people on the planet and documented the foods that protected these folks from getting heart disease, diabetes, obesity, or any of the other 'diseases of civilization' that are caused by modern industrialized food.

Then this couple designed their own real food diet, based on the same documents that form the foundation of theCraving Control Diet.

They had discovered that most of the food sold in supermarkets lacks the fat-fighting elements that kept their grandparents thin, energetic and healthy, so they found local sources of real food.

Within a year he lost over 150 pounds, and she lost almost 50 pounds. They got their energy back, most of their pain and obesity-related illnesses went away, and they were confident that their kids would never suffer from obesity or diabetes.

They're now enjoying their life, and their food, more than they have since they were kids.

This was an extremely motivated family that was willing to go to a great deal of work to turn their lives around. Will you have this level of success? I don't know - but I do know it will be easier for you to find the information you need to follow the same path, because it has been painstakingly gathered for you in the Craving Control Diet.

You can download the Craving Control Diet today...

To learn exactly how to put a stop to sugar cravings and food obsessions naturally, and lose weight without low-calorie diets or dangerous diet pills, simply click on the order link below and fill out the form on the next page. You will be taken immediately to a download page that lets you immediatly save the 105-page PDF file to your computer.

My Guarantee...

I stand behind this report by offering an 8-week, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

For your peace of mind, remember that a quick and friendly refund is available any time for the next 8 weeks by simply sending an email to me or to Clickbank if you are dissatisfied for any reason.

The full amount you paid will be cheerfully and quickly refunded.

How Does the Instant Download Feature Work?

Even if you have never downloaded something from the Internet before, you'll discover that it's really easy to do. Just follow the simple instructions on the download page. If you  have any problems with it, just let me know and I'll help as quickly as I can.

By taking advantage of this instant download feature, you will also enjoy these benefits:

  • No shipping costs
  • No waiting for the mail - you get instant access

The Craving Control Diet



  • Reduce your cravings
  • Control your appetite
  • Burn fat faster
  • Improve your overall health
  • Eat delicious, satisfying food

One-time Payment of Only $14.95
Click Here to Order Now

You can access your report immediately, even if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning!

P.S. Remember, your order is fully guaranteed. You have 8 weeks to try out the Craving Control Diet to see if it brings you the benefits I've described.

If you are dissatisfied for any reason, just let me know before the 8 weeks is up and you will receive a prompt refund. The ebook is yours to keep, no matter what.

One of the most important benefits of the Craving Control diet:

Have you ever been told that you had to stay on a low-calorie diet for the rest of your life if you wanted to keep from gaining weight again? Most diet books have that statement somewhere near the front.

The problem, of course, is that everybody falls off a low-calorie diet.

How quickly you give it up only depends on how strongly you can resist your own body's desperate plea for more food. Hunger is an indication that the cells in your body are starving, and your inborn survival system won't allow you to starve for very long.

The Craving Control Diet, is also intended as a permanent lifestyle change.

But there is no restriction on calories, and the food is filling and satisfying.

What that means is that you can easily commit yourself to staying on the this diet. It makes you feel good, the food is tasty and satisfying, and you eat whenever you get hungry.

Where's the suffering in that? There isn't any.

Most people believe you have to suffer in order to lose weight, but that's only because we've always been told that obesity is a sign of a character flaw. It isn't - obesity is just one of the diseases of civilization that are caused by eating the wrong food.

I can't claim that it's easy to make the change to the wholesome natural foods in this diet. You will have to hunt for sources, because some of the healthiest foods are not sold in your local supermarket. You may have to spend a little longer in the kitchen cooking meals because they won't come out of a box any more. Your friends and relatives might not understand what you're doing. You may seem old-fashioned to some people. If those things matter to you, this report is not for you.

But if it sounds like something you've been looking for all your life, why not get started right now?

I wish you the best of health,

Jonni Good


Do you have any questions about the Craving Control Diet?

Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please send your questions to the author using our contact form.

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© 2008 Jonni Good
1311 V. Ave
La Grande, OR  97850

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pens For Life (Diabetic)

Everything You Need To Know About Insulin Pens

Hand Holding PenInsulin pen, or simply pen, is an insulin delivery system that allows the injection of insulin into the bloodstream of a diabetic. It comprises of an insulin cartridge, a pen needle, and a dial to measure the insulin dose. Its appearance is similar to that of a pen, only it is larger. Some of these parts are either disposable or non-replaceable. The insulin cartridge for one may need a replacement from time to time and the insulin needles are entirely disposable.

Insulin pens are used extensively in most countries, excluding the United States where vials, injections and syringes are the preferred tools for insulin injection. They come in various sizes ranging from 1.5 ml to 3.0 ml.

Types of Insulin Pens There are several manufacturers of insulin pens which make it possible for users to have a variety of options. There are the pre-filled pens that are usually recommended for type 2 diabetics. These pens have pre-mixed insulin dosage, making it easier for users to determine how much insulin is to be used. These pens are disposable and require replacements once the insulin cartridge becomes empty. The drawback of this type is that it does not accommodate any adjustments to Exercise and Diet.

The other type of pen is the durable pen. It makes use of replaceable insulin cartridges which arePen assortment discarded only after their contents are fully used up. Once a new cartridge is in place, the pen is ready for use again.

A new addition to the existing insulin pens, pens that have built-in Memory allow users to store the time, date, and the amount of dosage. This makes it easier for users to tract their usage of insulin.

Advantages of insulin pens                     Click Here To "Hear"
There are three advantages to using insulin pens – ease of use, accuracy, and portability.

Usage Site for injection – The first step to using an insulin pen is to select the site where you want to inject your insulin dosage. There are a few in the body that make for good injection sites, including the abdominal area, thighs, buttocks, the area of the back just above the waist, legs, and upper arm. When choosing a site for injection, always stay an inch away from the previous site and two inches away from the navel or any scars. Also, be careful not to use sites that are swollen, bruised or tender.

To use your insulin pen, first clean the site for injection with an alcohol pad or a cotton ball dabbed with alcohol. Then, take off the cover of the pen and check how much insulin is left. If the insulin looks a bit cloudy, you can mix it gently by rolling the pen in your hands. Clean the end of the insulin pen afterwards.
Injection in Arm
The next step is to insert the disposable needle in its place. Once this is properly set in place, you can clear out any air pockets inside the pen by holding the pen up in the air while pushing the end of the pen until a drop of insulin is ejected. You may need to repeat this process for a couple of times until you see a drop of insulin at the tip of the needle.

Set the amount of insulin you want to use. Pinch and hold the site where you would want to inject the insulin. Insert the needle all the way down into your skin and continue pinching the skin for a few seconds more. Pull the pen out and gently massage the area of injection. Put the insulin pen cover back in its place.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tips on Weight Lose

5 Great Tips On Losing Weight

Everyone you talk to seems to have dozens of tips on losing weight. Some are good common sense tips, but some seem to come out of left field. Even people who can’t seem to successfully Lose weight and keep it off, seem happy to offer up tips and advice to other people. That’s a pretty good indication that many of us know the best advice and tips on losing weight, but we just don’t follow them very well. Here are some tips which, if you use them in your daily journey toward losing weight, can help you.

Use smaller plates. This is one of those tips on losing weight that often makes people roll their eyes. It has nothing to do with eating or exercise, but it really does trick your mind into thinking you’re eating more food. A smaller plate will look fuller than a large plate if they have the same amount of food on them. You might even naturally put less food on the smaller plate, to keep it from looking so loaded down. It’s a mental trick, but you should try it because it works for many people.

Eat slowly. This is one of the oldest and most popular tips on losing weight. Have you ever watched a speed-eating contest? Imagine someone eating the same amount of food as the winner, but imagine them eating it slowly. The champion may have scarfed down 20 pies in very little time. Could you actually sit down with a fork and slowly eat 20 pies? It’s not likely.

The speed eater ate so fast, his body didn’t even have time to scream, “STOP, I’M FULL!” And if it had, he was only focused on putting more and more food in, just as we are when we’re “starving” and we gulp down our food. Eat slowly and you’ll reach a pleasant feeling of fullness rather than the one that means you’ve eaten too much too fast.

Watch your portion sizes. If fried chicken is your favorite, you might start out with 2 or 3 pieces on your plate. Try grabbing one small piece instead, and filling up on salad or green veggies to replace those missing pieces of chicken. Try to keep a portion of food about the size of your fist. Those mashed potatoes that you don’t want to give up? Still eat them, but stop after one small portion, instead of piling a mountain on your plate.

Don’t clear your plate. Of all the tips on losing weight, this one is often the hardest. As children we were taught not to turn down food because other people were starving. We might have even gotten punished for “wasting food” and forced to eat it.

You’re not starving, and you can’t send that food to those who are, so do yourself a favor and don’t eat it. To avoid the guilt of wasting food, use another one of the good tips on losing weight and simply start out with less food on your plate next time.

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